Friday 27 November 2009

Passtime Painting

There now, that came as a surprise - or a shock, maybe. But painting as a hobby is a little like the spritual life. You think you are making progress until you let someone else in on where you are - and after such a confession you realise what a long way you have to go if you are to get anywhere. The journey is worthwhile, though - so Friday mornings in Lymington are often spent in company with others who are also trying to get a foothold on the spiritual - no, sorry, the painterly- ladder.

On the left of this group is our instructor, Marita (you can find her work at She is immensely patient with us - here with David and another Edwin (known in the class as John Edwin to avoid confusion).

We have been looking at Kandinsky's work which helps explain (though does not excuse) a version of St Thomas' Lymington done as a triptych... though really I just chopped it in three to try to improve it. As you see, the experiment failed.

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