Monday 22 April 2013

Lively Week

Our Ordinariate Mission (no longer just a Group) discovered only last week that we were to host young Confirmation Candidates from across the Avon/Stour Pastoral Area on Sunday. Everyone leapt to it, and we hope we made them and their parents welcome. It involved printing off around 120 service sheets (instead of our customary 40) and tweaking the music so that some at least was familiar to the Candidates.

Entry Procession
One of our number, Martin, was already due to be confirmed that morning, so it served as an object lesson to those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. He took the additional Confirmation name of Anselm, whose day it was.

The Confirmation
After Mass the candidates had a day of recollection and instruction in the Church Hall. It had been very good to welcome them. Now we are gearing ourselves up for Evensong and Benediction at 3pm on Sunday week, May 5th. Oh, and for a coffee morning this Saturday for Aid to the Church in Need. It is proving a busy Eastertide.
Photos courtesy of Brian Harrison