Thursday 8 July 2010

On the Road - again

I expect many catholic-minded Anglicans will be glued to their computers this weekend, hoping to follow the twists of the various stages of the debate on women in the episcopate. I would be in that unhappy situation myself; except that I have more important things to do.

Tomorrow evening I'm due to baptize a number of new Christians and confirm about twenty in Christchurch ( "the Priory Church" as they call it - though it has not been that for about 470 years). It is in vacancy, and being looked after by (among others) a priest friend in SSC - indeed our local SSC Vicar, Fr Graham Smith. Then early on Saturday we are off to deepest Sussex for a wedding. Amy is the eldest daughter (of four) of our one-time baby-sitter. She is to marry a fellow member of the Metropolitan Police. That is the second of three weddings I'm helping solemnize this year; quite like old times.

Later that day we set off on the road, to make a stop at a Travelodge, en route for Sunday morning in Brum where I'm due at St Benedict, Smallheath, for their Feast of Title. With a following wind we should be home again on Sunday evening - too tired, I expect, to try to make sense of any of the reports of what Synod will have achieved, or more probably failed to achieve, by then. I hope I shall get a few pictures at the three events, in which case you'll see them early next week on this blog (or the Anglo-Catholic). I really can't get too worked up about Synod. Whatever it produces is clearly going to be of little interest to catholics in the Church of England. Our sights are set higher and further than the debating chamber of York University.

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