We are just beginning to come to terms with "Anglicanorum Coetibus", the proposals for a way into Unity with the Catholic Church for Anglicans. Thanks to commendations from other bloggers, yesterday's post "How Long, O Lord" is receiving record numbers of viewers. So perhaps the time is right to remind you that there is now a Church Union Tract on the subject. I do not pretend that it is comprehensive - how could it be before even the first Ordinariate is set up? - but I hope it will help many Anglicans (and perhaps some others) understand the issues, and what has brought us to our present situation.
The Additional Curates' Society has published the Tract, though it may be a day or two before it appears on the Church Union list at the ACS website. Meanwhile, though, you can secure copies by emailing ACS (
info@additionalcurates.co.uk ) or ringing them on 0121 382 5533. £5 for single copies to include P & P, lower rates for quantities - and just in time for Lent, so you can get some real penitential reading.

And, yes, despite the Kalendar the picture is Fatima, not Lourdes - just to remind us that the Catholic thing can be rather larger than we are used to in the Church of England.
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